Tales from the days of our lives



What is life without happiness?
How many souls are truly happy?
Has happiness been forgotten in time?
Happiness is not a destination
Absolutely nothing in this world can make you happy
Happiness comes from within
Happiness is an attitude
Choose your attitude
It’s one of the very few things we have the power to control
Choose your life
Be who you want to be
Be Happy

2016 a year of giving

Caring for those less fortunate than yourself

Brings a a real sense of satisfaction

Teaches Humility


A greater appreciation for those

Whose lives and time are


To caring for the elderly, infirm and those in need

The Doctors and Nurses who give of themselves every day

To serve those so desperately in need – despite the low pay and difficult working conditions

It is thanks to these dedicated and caring human beings that we know that love, caring and compassion are still alive and well….

Caring puts things in perspective

Makes one realize what is really


Have a Dream…

What is your dream?

Why are you here?

What is it that gets you out of bed in the morning?

What do you want to do with the rest of your life?

If you know the answer you are half way there……

If not…….take the time to think about what is really important to you

What is your mission in life?

Take pen to paper….have a dream, create a vision

Focus on making it happen….

You have the power

Take ownership and live your life the way you want to

No regrets, no excuses

Just do it!law